Part-time Survey Assistants needed
Rowan Tree Consulting, the company appointed to evaluate the Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme’s projects, would like to recruit part-time survey assistants to help us conduct face-to-face interviews with local people and visitors at various locations in the Applecross area.
The surveys are aimed at measuring the impact of the different projects which have been run by ALPS over the past three years. They will take place during April – October 2013. We are looking for people who would be available for either the whole period or some of these months.
Hours to be worked will be flexible and can be worked round any existing commitments you may have. We will provide you with survey forms containing the questions to be asked, and will agree with you the number of interviews to be completed each month.
Applicants must be 18 years old or over. They must also be able to arrange their own travel to survey locations. (Travel expenses will be reimbursed). The rate of pay will be £8.00 per hour.
Relevant experience would be helpful but is not essential as training will be provided. Applicants should have good communication skills, an outgoing personality, attention to detail and a flexible approach. They must also be reliable and happy to work on their own.
If you would like to apply, please e-mail Mrs Helen Smith, Rowan Tree Consulting, email helen@rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk, with details of why you are interested in the post, any relevant experience you may have, and details of two referees.
For further information, please e-mail Helen on helen@rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk. Alternatively, you can telephone 07910 524037, leaving details of your name and a return telephone number, and Helen will phone you back.
The closing date for applications is 9am on Monday 25th March 2013.
Digital Photography training
Say cheese! It seems the whole world's gone digital, and photography is no exception: it's easier than ever to pull out a camera and fire off a few shots. Snapping away is fine for some, but if you want to improve your picture taking, ALPS is offering a free training opportunity with a skilled photographer.
For further information, please contact Elodie on 01520 744 482 or elodie@applecross.org.uk
Path Maintenance Training
ALPS is organising a three-day course in paths maintenanceduring which the following subjects will be dealt with:
- Maintenance planning - developing a suitable maintenance schedule for a paths network
- Inspections - looking for faults, problems or changes on paths
- Planned maintenance tasks - the basic tasks taht can be completed whilst inspecting paths
- Minor repairs - the minor works required to quickly fix faults, problems or changes on paths
If you are interested in participating or require more information, please contact
Elodie on 01520 744 482
Drystane dyke training
DSWA/LANTRA Level 2 A five-day intermediate training course on drystane dyke building will be running in Applecross between Monday 14th and Friday 18th November. The course will be run by the Skye-based master dyker Seumas Campbell.Although it is not necessary to have done Level 1 to undertake Level 2 training, a degree of existing competence is assumed. The training is free to attend but the attendees are expected to participate the whole week. An examination date (one day) will be set for the New Year. For further details please contact Elodie on 744482.
First Aid training
A 'Basics' first aid training course run by the 'St. Andrew's Ambulance Association' will be held in Applecross Community Hall on Saturday 30th April, from 9.00am to 4.30pm. It is free to attend, but booking is essential as there are only 12 place available. The opportunity is primarily directed at those who nee a basic first aid qualification for work, but will also be of value for the home. Please contact
Elodie to book a place on the course.
20th – 26th (excluding the weekend). A beginner’s five-day training course on drystane dyke building. The course will be free and there are five places available. It is anticipated that those wanting to participate will have a long term interest in drystane dyking and will be prepared to attend occasional subsequent higher level courses throughout the lifespan of ALPS, with attendees progressing through the various competence levels of the Drystone Dyke Walling Association.
Application form required. Please contact Elodie for further details.
Path building opportunity, Applecross
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is seeking to implement a path building project during 2013. A schedule of works can be obtained from Jess Whistance, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email:
jess@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for expressions of interest will be 5.30pm 7 December 2012. A contractors’ site meeting to view the works will be held on Tuesday 11 December 2012 at 9.30am in Applecross for interested parties. Deadline for all tender submissions will be Wednesday 19 December 2012.
Drystane dyking contract opportunity, Applecross, Wester Ross
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is seeking to implement a programme of drystane dyking restoration works on the in Applecross. Expressions of Interest for tendering for the work should be directed to Jess Whistance, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email:jess@applecross.org.uk by Friday 7 December 2012. A contractors’ meeting to view the work has been organised for Monday 10 December 2012. Deadline for tenders will be Tuesday 18 December 2012.
Ardheslaig path tender
The work involves 2,925m of restoration in sections, some full build, some repair work, installation of a bridge and some simple maintenance. Expressions of Interest for tendering for the work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email:
sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for tenders will be the 15th March 2012. A contractors’ meeting to discuss the work schedule has been organised for the 5
th March 2012.
Design contract opportunity
An opportunity has arisen to undertaken design works for the development of interpretive outputs (leaflets, booklets and panels) related to ALPS. Expressions of Interest for tendering for the work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email: sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for tenders will be the 21st December 2012.
Bealach dyking contract
The Applecross Landscape a programme of drystane dyking restoration works on the historic dykes of the Bealach na Bà. Expressions of Interest for tendering for the work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email:
sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for tenders will be the 21
st December 2012. A contractors’ meeting to discuss the work schedule has been organised for the 5
th December 2011.
Hand Build Path Building Contract
Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is seeking a contractor to undertake restoration work on the historic Ard Dubh – Coillegille path (2,500m). A detailed specification can be obtained from Elodie Matthews by phone (01520 744482) or by email (elodie@applecross.org.uk). A site meeting for interested contractors has been arranged for the 12th October. Deadline for tenders submissions will be 5pm 25th October.
Contract Opportunity Historic Building Roofing Works, Wester Ross
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is seeking a contractor to restore the hipped timber and galvanised steel roof of a B-Listed Top Barn (Hebridean Barn) in Applecross. A detailed tender specification can be obtained from Sam Bridgewater, tel: (01520) 744482; email: sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for all tender submissions will be the 12th August 2011.
Bardic School: Employment opportunity
Through the Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, the Gaelic interest group Am Bealach is wishing to recruit a locally based individual to help it manage the 2012 Gaelic Bardic School. Responsibilities will include liaising with Am Bealach in deciding the school’s objectives, assisting the programme coordinator to plan the school, liaising with the ALPS office on agreeing an annual budget and managing its expenditure, acting as the single initial contact point for the external co-ordinator within Applecross, planning the local logistics of the course including accommodation, venues, transport, catering etc., and promoting the event locally. The work would be part time and it is anticipated that it would be ca. 20 days/year.
For further information, please contact Derek MacLennan (744447)
Contract opportunity Limekiln/Top barn restoration, Wester Ross
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is Seeking a contractor to undertake work related to consolidating and conserving the historically important limekiln and top barns of Applecross. work will need to be conducted or supervised by a conservation archaeologist and will include the use of lime mortar. A detailed schedule of works can be obtained from
Elodie. The deadline for all tender submissions is the 1st June 2011.
Historic Church Restoration, Wester Ross.
ALPS is seeking a main building contractor to restore Applecross’ B-listed Clachan Church (1817). Works will include slater/roofer, plumbing, electrics, joiner and specialist masonry work, including the use of lime mortar. A detailed schedule of works can be obtained from David Somerville architects by phone (01463) 861 442 or by email (david@somervilledesign.co.uk). Deadline for all tender submissions is the 1st May 2011, with works scheduled to begin in October 2011.
Archaeological Contract Opportunity, Wester Ross
ALPS is seeking an archaeologist with training experience and knowledge of the Applecross peninsula to coordinate training for local people and visitors in a range of surveying and excavation skills, focusing on unrecorded or under-recorded sites and structures. A detailed tender specification can be obtained from Sam Bridgewater, tel: (01520) 744482; email:sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for all tender submissions will be the 21st April 2011.
Path building
We are pleased to announce that the contractor constructing three new paths around the bay area and repairing one existing path as part of ALPS will also provide an employment opportunity for one person interested in learning path-building skills. This will consist of paid work and provide useful experience for a period of three months starting in April 2011. Anyone interested should contact Elodie at the ALPS office with a short CV of past work. All CVs will be forwarded to the contractor.
Survey assistant
Rowan Tree Consulting has been appointed to undertake an evaluation of the ALPS project over 3 years. This will involve a range of face-to-face surveys with local people and visitors.
We now need to recruit survey assistants to help us by conducting interviews (using questionnaires which we will supply) at various locations in the Applecross area. Flexible hours over the period of April – August 2011. Rate of pay is £8 per hour. Applicants must be able to arrange their own transport to survey locations. (Travel expenses will be reimbursed).
Relevant experience helpful but not essential as training will be provided. Applicants should have good communication skills, attention to detail, flexible approach and be happy to work on their own. If you would like to apply please email to: hazel@rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk or call us (01463 715 225) stating why you are interested in the position along with CV and 2 references. Closing date is Friday 25th March.
Tenders invited for the construction of the South Coast Deer Fence, Applecross Wester Ross.
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme is seeking to construct 8 km of deer fence in the southern coastal area of the Applecross peninsula. Expressions of Interest for tendering for the work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email: sam@applecross.org.uk. Detailed specifications for the job will be sent to interested parties. The deadline for tenders will be the 15st December 2010.
Sgeama Companas Dealbh-tìre Na Comraich/Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme.
Bidh cothrom ann a dh' aithghearr cùnnradh fhaotainn fo Sgeama Companas Dealbh-tìre Na Comraich gus cur air chois Sgoil Bhàrdachd air a' Chomraich a cho-eagrachadh thairis air a' bhliadhna 2011/2012 fo iùil na buidhne taic Gàidhlig ionadail Bealach. Bu chòir do neach sam bith aig a bheil suim anns an obair seo, tairgse a chur a-steach an toiseach gu: Sam Bridgewater, Manaidsear na Pròiseict, Sgeama Companas Dealbh-tìre Na Comraich, An Leas-thaigh an Ear, Taigh na Comraich, A' Chomraich IV54 8ND. Fòn: (01520) 744 482. Post-dealain: sam@applecross.org.uk. Is e an ceann-latha airson ùidh a chur an cèill an 1mh dhen Damhair 2010, agus airson chùnnraidhean, an 21mh dhen Damhair 2010.
A contract opportunity will shortly become available under the Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme to coordinate the development of a Bardic School in Applecross during 2011/2012, guided by the local interest Gaelic group Bealach. Initial expressions of interest for tendering for this work should be directed to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email:
sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for expressions of interest will be the 1st October 2010, and for tenders, the 21st October 2010.
Contract opportunities
The Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme (ALPS) is seeking to implement a significant programme of projects during 2010/2011 related to the conservation, restoration and celebration of the built, cultural and natural heritage of Wester Ross. As part of ALPS, contract opportunities will shortly become available in project evaluation and monitoring, website design and maintenance, and cultural and environmental interpretation. A significant [programme of path building will also be undertaken under the auspices of the scheme.
Expressions of interest for tendering for any of the above work should be directed to to Sam Bridgewater, Project Manager, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, East Wing, Applecross House, Applecross, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744482. Email: sam@applecross.org.uk. Deadline for expressions of interest will be the 1st October 2010, and for tenders, the 21st October 2010.
Heritage Curator/Archivist, Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme. £20,000. 3 Yr Fixed Term Contract.
Curator/archivist required to provide support to the Applecross Historical Society (AHS) and Applecross Heritage Centre (AHC). A good degree in a relevant subject is essential. Museum/historical research experience and the ability to speak gaelic are desirable.
Further information may be obtained from Further information may be obtained from Alistair MacCowan of the Applecross Historical Society: Aonachan, Camusterrach, Applecross, Strathcarron, IV54 8ND. Tel: (01520) 744265.
admin@applecross.org.uk Interviews to be held in Applecross on the 4th October. Supported by the National Lottery through the Heritage Lottery Fund.