Trails & Thoroughfares

Aims: The aim of this project was to develop paths and trails throughout the Applecross peninsula for the enjoyment and benefit of visitors and local people. The paths would provide access to the landscape, the heritage of Applecross, including routes that meet the needs of people with different physical abilities.

In all, five different networks of paths were constructed throughout the peninsula, some linking up with each other to form a wider path network. The path networks created were as follows:

- Applecross Bay Coastal Trails 10km of paths, linking to the existing Sand Path, Archaeological Trail and the Glen path

- North Coast Routes 3km paths Ardheslaig to Kenmore (linking to the Kenmore path) Arrina to Cuaig

- Archaeological Trail 3.5km of path which then links up with other bay paths and takes in a large amount of previously untouched and unvisited heritage sites. This trail has ensured that sites such as the Lime Kiln, Ice House, hut circles and the broch are all accessible for visitors.

- Ard Dubh to Coille Ghillie 2km of existing path that was greatly improved, leading to the white coral beaches and resident seal colonies.

- Kenmore to the Applecross glen 15km of existing path that was improved and maintained to a standard that will ensure many more years of biking and walking.

The network of paths have been signposted or waymarked with bilingual (English/Gaelic) hand made oak signs. Along the Archaeological Trail, there are also interpretive engraved stones depicting the heritage sites.

In addition, there are four walks panels throughout the Applecross bay area, which show the available routes, as well as information about the history and heritage of the area.

Lastly, there are walks leaflets and booklets available at various shops throughout Applecross, which provide information on the various walks and what one might see and learn along the way. They are:

- Carnach Woodland leaflet - Milltown Loch leaflet - Applecross Bay Walks leaflet - Heritage Walks booklet - Wildlife Walks booklet - Geology sites booklet - Archaeology Walk booklet

All of this interpretive material, as well as the 36km of paths created, has ensured an enhanced physical and intellectual access to the landscape heritage of Applecross; it has helped to improve understanding of the historic roles of old paths in the area; the paths link heritage sites and help to build a broader picture of the heritage of Applecross.
Promoting the rich
heritage, wildlife & culture
of the West Highlands

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