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Community archaeological training project

The community archaeological training project was designed to give people of all ages and abilities the opportunity to find out more about the history and archaeology of the area, and to become actively involved in adding to the current understanding of local archaeological sites. The archaeological training, workshops and events were led by archaeologist, Cathy Dagg working with the Applecross Archaeological Society. A key element of the project is that it provided training for participants in a range of archaeological surveying and excavation skills which could then be utilised in future archaeological work.  The information arising from the project was then used as the basis for creating a new Archaeological Trail booklet which is now available to buy at various establishments throughout Applecross.
The overall aim of the project was to create a wider understanding of the historical and physical remains of Applecross’s past through historical research and archaeological investigation.  Participants attended a number of events, from creating detailed surveys of currently unrecorded (or under-recorded) sites and structures throughout Applecross, to learning the art of archaeological illustration, and archaeological digs. Through these events, many people were able to get involved in archaeology in their local area, and a great deal of data was produced(analytical analyses, maps, photographs, etc) which has allowed many sites and structures to be understood better.

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