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The mature woodlands of Applecross are primarily restricted to the coastal area and include a number of ancient, semi-natural habitats such as Carnoch hazel woods (14 hectares), in addition to a large expanse (570 hectares) of non-native conifer plantations, of which Lodgepole pine has been the most extensively planted.

The most visible area of woodland in the east of the peninsula is provided by the striking stand of beechwood trees that cover the slopes immediately above Applecross Bay, with the further areas of both native and non-native stands surrounding Applecross House providing excellent locations for woodland wildlife walks. At dusk, Daubenton’s bats can be seen skimming above Applecross River, and pipistrelles and brown long-eared bats are abundant, with large populations of these two species also inhabiting Clachan Church. At night the hoot of tawny owls is common, punctuated by the occasional screech of a barn owl.

Grazing by sheep and deer has limited the regeneration of woodlands in many areas, although an initiative between the Applecross Trust and crofting townships in the north of the peninsula has recently enclosed 5,000 hectares of land with over 1,250 hectares planted with mixed native species. In time this will transform the aesthetics of landscape greatly ,improving its wildlife value.  Within Applecross Glen itself, a few grazed vestiges of native woodland remain in steep-sided stream valleys.

Other areas of native woodland can be found at Loch Toscaig, the townships of Uags and Arigh-drishaig, and close to Ardban and Coillegillie. The walk to the latter two, largely deserted townships, takes visitors through some superb wooodland areas.

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